The Optimal Way To Enhance Your Life & Business
The Message
And there it was! A message that I was not expecting to receive… “The time has come for you to do a 40 day fast“. It wasn’t the first time God spoke to me so clearly. He has given me assignments before and even though I could never see all the steps that needed to be taken, I always felt confident I could do it. But this one was different. I started asking myself “Can I do this?” and immediately I felt the doubt creeping in.
Now if you know me, you know I don’t do doubt. Doubt is a lower frequency emotion, or in other words, a tool of the devil. When I see it approaching I know it is not mine and it’s being projected onto me. But I won’t engage and I won’t entertain the thought that it might be true. If the thought that I can’t do it creeps in, it means that I can.
And after a few confirmations of the message – you know how we aways need to see it in different forms and then it comes to you through things that you read, see or hear until you cannot ignore it anymore – I agreed to the assignment and July 19th 2024 became day one of my 40 Days Fasting.

The Spiritual Context of Fasting
The concept of a 40-day fast appears multiple times in the Bible, with significant spiritual and symbolic implications. These fasts are often associated with pivotal moments of divine revelation, preparation, or spiritual testing. Here are the key instances of 40-day fasts in the Bible:
1. Moses on Mount Sinai:
- First Fast: Moses fasted for 40 days and nights when he went up to Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments from God. This event is recorded in Exodus 24:18 and Deuteronomy 9:9. During this period, he neither ate bread nor drank water.
- Second Fast: After breaking the original tablets due to the Israelites’ idolatry with the golden calf, Moses again fasted for 40 days and nights while he interceded for the people and received the new tablets. This is mentioned in Deuteronomy 9:18.
2. Elijah’s Journey to Mount Horeb:
- Elijah undertook a 40-day fast as he traveled to Mount Horeb (also known as Mount Sinai). This journey followed his confrontation with the prophets of Baal and his subsequent flight from Queen Jezebel. The account is found in 1 Kings 19:8. During this time, an angel provided Elijah with food and water to sustain him for the journey.
3. Jesus’ Temptation in the Wilderness:
- Before beginning his public ministry, Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights in the wilderness, where he was tempted by Satan. This event is recorded in Matthew 4:1-2, Mark 1:12-13, and Luke 4:1-2. Jesus’ fast echoes the experiences of Moses and Elijah and underscores his reliance on God and preparation for his ministry.
The number 40 holds symbolic meaning in the Bible, often associated with periods of trial, testing, and preparation. These fasting periods serve to demonstrate reliance on God, spiritual discipline, and readiness for significant events or divine missions.
All Of Life Comes To Me With Ease
When you know all of life comes to you with ease, joy and glory – phrase I use with great pleasure from Access Consciousness – the Universe will offer you ways that make life easier. In this case I stumbled on a plan in the You Version Bible App: “40 days of prayer and fasting“. A plan in this app offers you to track your activity and it provides parts of Scripture for each day of the journey. How cool is that?! So, my choice to fast is already supported by people who’ve done it before and have taken the time to put in in an app. How does it get any better than this?!
So, that’s that. I have chosen to do a 40 day fast. I have an app that supports me in my prayers and “counting” the days and no grocery shopping for over a month. Now, if that doesn’t deserve a hallelujah, I don’t know what does.
Fasting Is A Personal Thing
Fasting is not something you do for others. It is something you do for you on your journey and it’s between you and God, the God that is in you. In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches us how to pray and fast and the interesting thing that I’ve never read before is that it says “WHEN you fast”, not “IF you fast”. He says, that when you fast, you don’t make it obvious on the outside. You still make yourself presentable, so people don’t see you are fasting; “No one will notice that you are fasting, except your Father, who knows what you do in private.” (Matthew 6:18).
Some might consider this to be cheating, but when I asked if I should go “cold turkey” on fasting, God told me it was not that strict. I could still have my morning coffee and because it is summertime, I am allowed to drink water or tea. And that’s it for 40 days. Also, it’s not like they do in Islamic cultures where they have the Ramadan and they will not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. I am doing a complete 40 day fast – I expect the coffee will disappear after a week or so, I will keep you posted – and I will not eat solid foods during the day or night. Just water or tea and pulling in lots of energy from the Universe!
Another thing that I picked up from someone else’s blog about fasting is that it’s okay if you mess up. If you break to the temptation, don’t stop. Just pick up where you left off. Fasting is not about doing it right. It’s about your intention in getting closer to God. It’s about answering to a call, where He said it’s time to fast and get closer to me than you’ve ever been. And my willingness to do so is what counts. There is no reason not to begin, because you think you are going to fail. You might fail, you might not. And if you fail and you know you can get back in the game, why not just go ahead and do it. And what If knew you couldn’t fail?
The Beginning of the 40 Day Journey… And Beyond
Starting the 40 day fasting is calling out emotions that I used to call fear. Now I know it’s excitement for the unknown. A path I’ve never walked before and space I’ve never entered. And I know, that if I am only willing everything will be revealed as if by magic. The first was quite easy, although in the evening I felt tempted to grab something. Like a reaction, a common behaviour to find a snack when you are feeling peckish. And I had to remind myself I shouldn’t react to that impulse. So, I pulled in some energy and drank some water. So far, the journal for day 1 is not very exciting, but I know exciting things are to come and I can’t wait to share them with you. Talk soon!
With Love,